10 PHOTO RETOUCHING TIPS FOR FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY Fashion Blogs from www.fashionindustrynetwork.com

Fashion Photography Retouching Techniques


Welcome to the world of fashion photography retouching techniques! In this article, we will explore the various techniques used by professional photographers to enhance their fashion photographs. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced photographer, these tips and tricks will help you elevate your fashion photography to the next level.

1. Skin Retouching

One of the most important aspects of fashion photography is achieving flawless skin on the models. Skin retouching techniques involve removing blemishes, reducing wrinkles, and enhancing the overall complexion. This can be done using various tools in editing software such as the healing brush, clone stamp, and frequency separation.

2. Color Correction

Color correction plays a vital role in fashion photography retouching. It involves adjusting the tones, hues, and saturation levels to create a cohesive and visually appealing look. This can be achieved through the use of curves, levels, and selective color adjustments in editing software.

3. Body Contouring

Body contouring is a technique used to enhance the shape and proportions of the models. It involves using tools like liquify, dodge and burn, and warp to sculpt the body and create a more flattering silhouette. However, it’s important to use these techniques subtly and maintain the natural look of the model.

4. Background Cleanup

In fashion photography, the background plays a crucial role in creating a visually captivating image. Background cleanup involves removing distractions, adjusting the exposure, and enhancing the overall composition. This can be done using tools like the spot healing brush, patch tool, and content-aware fill.

5. Enhancing Details

Details are important in fashion photography, as they help showcase the intricate elements of the clothing and accessories. Enhancing details can be done by using tools like the sharpening filter, high pass filter, and clarity adjustments. This allows you to bring out the textures and patterns in the garments.

6. Color Grading

Color grading is the process of giving your photographs a specific look or mood. In fashion photography, it’s essential to create a consistent color palette that complements the style and theme of the shoot. This can be achieved through the use of presets, adjustment layers, and selective color grading.

7. Retouching Hair and Makeup

In fashion photography, the hair and makeup of the models need to be flawless. Retouching hair involves removing flyaways, adding volume, and enhancing the color. Makeup retouching involves enhancing the eyes, lips, and skin tone. This can be done using tools like the brush tool, smudge tool, and adjustment layers.

8. Removing Distractions

During a fashion shoot, there might be certain distractions in the frame that need to be removed. This can include stray hairs, wrinkles in clothing, or unwanted objects. Tools like the clone stamp, content-aware fill, and healing brush can be used to seamlessly remove these distractions.

9. Retouching Accessories

In fashion photography, accessories like jewelry, handbags, and shoes play a crucial role. Retouching accessories involves enhancing the details, adjusting the colors, and removing any imperfections. This can be done using similar techniques used for enhancing details in the garments.

10. Final Touches

After completing all the retouching techniques mentioned above, it’s important to add the final touches to your fashion photographs. This can include adjusting the overall exposure, adding vignettes, and sharpening specific areas. These final touches will enhance the overall impact of your images.


Fashion photography retouching techniques are essential for creating stunning and captivating images. By mastering these techniques, you can take your fashion photography to new heights. Remember to exercise restraint and maintain the natural look of the models while retouching. Happy retouching!